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A beautiful, magazine-style topic including a couple of layouts, featured content areas or simple customization options.
We’ve blended partial next-level design, pixel-perfect typography then slick content material discovery purposes between Baseline. With multiple layouts or smart customization options, you execute create a lovely magazine then digital content material website among minutes.
Baseline makes that tremendous easy to exhibit thine excellent content material in conformity with you site visitors including a stunning Featured Content Carousel. Showcase up in conformity with ten over you featured posts between an elegant, compassionate carousel at the top about you homepage. Simply add a tag according to thy posts yet such intention stand covered into the carousel automatically.
Using the Header Category Menu, ye perform assimilate a slick, AJAX-powered category menu in accordance with the fixed navigation occasion on thy site. The Header Category Menu lets visitors rapidly browse the five brand new posts beyond every category into you menu. By loading content through AJAX, ye can exhibit you visitors more content instantly, without to them abject in accordance with leave the page.
We’ve also brought a Footer Category Menu, which brings the equal immediately post loading after the bottom regarding thy website online because of also extra engagement.
Preview the Category Menus about the Baseline demo clicking the Browse button of the fixed navigation bar, yet with the aid of scrolling in accordance with the bottom of any page.
Simply put, higher fonts redact because a much higher studying trip because your visitors. We’ve covered twins home made font preferences so pass you pick in a wonderful pure sans-serif font (Work Sans) and a newspaper-style serif font (Abril Fatface). We’ve refined each font according to work beautifully of computer and mobile devices.
Preview the font alterna