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The installation of the system is very simple. You do not need to edit the configuration files manually. All you need is to enter data from your MySql server. The system is installed automatically.
If you have any problems with the installation, I will be happy to help you.
Add an unlimited number of sites to the system. In order to display ads on the site, you need to add it to the system.
Ad units
For each site you can add an unlimited number of ad units! The appearance of the unit can be configured as you please! Almost everything is configured. The number of ads in the block, the size of the ad unit, the color of the background of the block, the color of the stroke of the block, the size of the image (the image can be completely disabled).
You can adjust the size, color, font style. Customize titles, descriptions, links.
You can configure the unit to harmonize with the design of your site. You can make blocks similar to adsense blocks.
After configuring the block, you just need to copy the block code to your site, to the place where you want to show this block.
If you do not understand something, I will gladly help you.
Advertising campaigns
Create your own ad campaigns with the right targeting. The system allows you to configure very accurate targeting. Targeting by countries, devices, operating systems, browsers.
You can specify the start and stop date of the advertising campaign, and when this date is reached, the advertising campaign will start and stop automatically.
You can specify active hours for the campaign. For example, you want to show the campaign from 8am to 7pm. And at other times the campaign will be stopped.
You can specify a single link for the entire advertising campaign. This link will be inserted by default into new campaign ads.
In the link, you can use macros. Macros allow you to pass parameters to a third-party statistics system.
You can specify the sites on which your ad campaign will not be displayed.
In each advertising campaign you can add as many ads as you like. When ads are displayed in the block, they will be in rotation. You need to add three required parameters to your ad. Title, description, and link. Also you can add an image – an optional parameter.
The system has very detailed statistics. You can view statistics by day, by site, by a separate site, by advertising campaigns, by a separate advertising campaign, by an ad unit, by a separate ad. Statistics show all information on impressions, clicks, CTR, device type, operating systems, browsers, countries, ip.
Black list ip
The system has a global blacklist of ip addresses. You can add a list of ip addresses to it that will not show ads.
The system is written on a very fast php Framework design. The performance of the system depends on the power of your hosting or server. If the aggregate attendance of sites added to the system exceeds 100,000 page views per day. It is recommended that you install this system on a dedicated server.
The system was tested on a virtual server with 256Mb RAM, 800 MhZ CPU. This is a low-power server. The average cost of renting such a server is 5$ per month. The ad unit with 5 ads was tested. The load was 5 block impressions per second. 25 ad impressions per second, this is more than 2,100,000 ad impressions per day! If you do not have a very visited site you can safely install the system on a normal hosting.
In any case, you can ask for help from me.